The EyeTV Reporter is a free utility that offers a number of troubleshooting options for EyeTV users.

Its functions include:

  1. Backup Preferences
  2. Restore Preferences
  3. Delete Preferences
  4. Uninstall
  5. Backup Selected Files
  6. Send Files to Geniatech
  7. Network Diagnosis

Only use EyeTV Reporter to send items if Geniatech Technical Support requests that information.

Do not use EyeTV Reporter to contact us unless you have already made a Support Ticket.


Download EyeTV Reporter

The latest version of EyeTV Reporter will always be available via this article.

Download: EyeTV Reporter (64-BIT) for macOS 10.14 or above

If you need support regarding your EyeTV product please do not hesitate to contact us following this link.

Contact Support