SAP audio is part of the NTSC standard and may be used in analog and digital devices to get an audio track for what is happening on screen (usually for blind people).The audio stream is used by default, to enable or disable it, try the following secret preference key.
To activate SAP, Quit EyeTV, then open Terminal and type:

defaults write com.elgato.eyetv ‘prefer SAP’ -bool YES

Terminate entry with the Enter key, then launch EyeTV.
To deactivate SAP, Quit EyeTV, then open Terminal and type:

defaults write com.elgato.eyetv ‘prefer SAP’ -bool NO

Terminate entry with the Enter key, then launch EyeTV.


The Terminal application is in the Applications/Utilities folder.

If you need support regarding your EyeTV product please do not hesitate to contact us following this link.

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