For every EyeTV update that’s done automatically, there is a very rare problem where the downloaded image doesn’t assemble itself like it’s supposed to.
The result is that after using Check For Updates from the EyeTV menu, the new version of EyeTV may crash right after you launch it.
Out of many tens of thousands of updates, we usually see this a few dozen times for each release.
Solution: There are two ways to solve this problem.
1) Download the EyeTV software again. You can contact Geniatech Support to get a new copy, by using this link: Geniatech Support
2) You can look in the Trash on your Mac – your last EyeTV application may be there, and you can drag it out to try the update again.
A final fix should be possible soon – it’s an issue with the auto-download code we’ve licensed. We apologize for this rare and temporarily disruptive problem.
Technical Information
In this case, a shell of a program ends up on your hard drive (it often doesn’t even have the EyeTV icon on the application), and when you try to open it, there is a crash.
That crash log may mention HDHomeRun, even though you’re not using it – that framework for that part of EyeTV software did make it, but the rest didn’t.
An example crash readout:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/hdhomerun.framework/Versions/A/hdhomerun
Referenced from: /Users/Shared/Graphic/EyeTV/
Reason: image not found
If you see this in your crash log, then please follow the solutions listed above.