EyeTV 3.6.4 and above can access SAT>IP servers that are available on your local network.

The process of connecting to SAT>IP servers is very straightforward:

1) Go to the EyeTV menu, and select the Setup Assistant.

2) When asked to Choose Hardware, select Network / IPTV, and SAT>IP Server:



3) EyeTV will then allow to you select which SAT>IP servers you want to use on that Mac. They will be listed in a drop down menu:

After you select a SAT>IP server, then check “Enable this device” to make it active in EyeTV.

If you want EyeTV to always use new SAT>IP servers on your network, then check “Automatically enable new devices”.

Please Note: EyeTV only supports officially certified SAT>IP devices, as listed at http://www.satip.info/


If you need support regarding your EyeTV product please do not hesitate to contact us following this link.

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