Please read below instructions to extend your subscription successfully!
With regards to our authorization server upgrade and customer privacy protection – and cooperate privacy protection, we apologize to claim, that you need to follow below steps carefully and strict – to activate your EPG – Subscription.
1st Step: Make sure your EyeTV software is updated to the latest version (EyeTV 3.6.9 or later is required). You can download the latest EyeTV 3 from this link: Please install accordingly.
2nd Step: Register with the email address you used in the Webshop via EyeTV 3.6.9 or higher. Please note, that this is necessary even though you are already registered. The next steps describe how to register successfully. Please follow them carefully.
1) Please open EyeTV 3 (Version 3.6.9). In order to check the EyeTV Version, go to EyeTV // Info. It must be EyeTV 3 (Version 3.6.9)
2) Please open Settings // EPG (Gracenote or TV Guide) Klick on change / create a new account with the email address you used in the Webshop. It is important that this step is completed successfully.
3rd Step: Please click on the activation link below to activate your EPG Subscription