IceTV Pty Limited was placed into voluntary administration with TPH Insolvency on October 6, 2015.
For more details, see:
Changing of IceTV Service Subscription Terms
As of Friday, October 16th, it was announced that IceTV service will begin again soon.
See this discussion for more details:
Please contact IceTV to confirm the terms of your subscription.
Using EPG data from your DVB-T signal
EyeTV customers using DVB-T/DTT signals also have the option of using the free EPG data that is present in the TV signal.
1) While EyeTV is running, open the EyeTV Programs window, from the Window menu
2) Select the Channels section
3) For each channel in the list, choose “DVB” as your choice in the EPGcolumn
If you want to change all channels to use the DVB Guide all at once:
1) Select the Channels section
2) Choose Select All from the Edit menu
3) Choose “DVB” as your choice in the EPG column for one channel, and then all channels will change to “DVB”
Updating the DVB Guide
EyeTV checks at regular intervals if the program guide has been updated in the last 24 hours. If this is not the case, EyeTV loads new data. EyeTV takes account of the user’s actions and settings and starts the update process only if:
a) no live TV is playing
b) no recording is in progress
c) no recording is about to start
If the update fails because the user activates the tuner, EyeTV restarts the update at the next opportunity.
Scheduling Recordings Using Smart Guides
If you are using the DVB Guide, you can still schedule recordings using Smart Guides.
See this article for more details:
Manually Scheduling Recordings
It’s also possible to manually schedule recordings. They can be one time only recordings, or repeat in different ways. See this article for more details:
How do I manually schedule a recording?